MEMBERSHIP. To become a member just fill in the following form ad send it signed (with your consent to the processing and transmission of personal data) to the seat of the association "TURISMO PER TUTTI" - Via Beaumont 2 - 10143 TORINO - ITALY


Name/ Name of Organization or company..... Surname..... Place of birth..... Date of birth..... Address..... Tel..... e-mail.....
I wish to join the association "Turismo per Tutti" and therefore I commit myself to respect the statute and the decisions of the governing body of the association. I declare to know and to accept the statute of the association.


..... (Readable signature )

I declare that I have received the information on the treatment of personal data according to the article 13 of the DL n 196/2003 and I give my consent to their processing as far as it is necessary for the pursuit of the aims of the statute. I give my consent to the transmission of my personal data concerning my membership to the Organizations whom the association cooperates with and that will process the data as far as it is necessary for the accomplishment of legal duties or of the statute regulations.


..... (Readable signature)

Please enclose the annual membership fee of 24 € payable to

Conto "Link Onlus" intestato a:

IBAN= IT 77 O 02008 01131 000040830780

Donations of any amount can be credited to the same bank account

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Via Beaumont, 2
10143 Torino Italia

+39 011.588.19.68

+39 011.437.81.01

